TOXICALL® Online Phone Service and Phone History

Prepared by

Computer Automation Systems, Inc.

Aurora, Colorado                    © 2013 All Rights Reserved















TOXICALL® Online Phone Service and Phone History. PAGEREF _Toc521394842 \h 1

Introduction. 3

How to Enable Phone History. 3

How to Enable Online Phone Service. 4

Phone Lookup Options (System) Window. 5

Online Phone Service Area. 6

Display Automatically. 6

Display Manually (Ctrl+I) 6

Don’t Display. 6

Populate County Using Zip Code Table. 6

Automatic Lookup. 6

Phone History Area. 7

Display Automatically. 7

Display Manually (Ctrl+I) 7

Don’t Display. 7

General Options Area. 7

Show Field Labels 7

Copy All on Icon Double Click. 8

Auto Close Window. 9

Using the Phone History Window. 9

Populating Caller Data. 9

Populating Patient Data. 11

Populating PMD Data. 11

Online Phone Lookup. 12

Automatic Lookup. 13

Troubleshooting and File Placement 13

Using Phone History with International Phone Numbers. 14