Toxicall 4.7 Productivity Reports

Prepared by

Computer Automation Systems, Inc.

Aurora, CO                         © 2013 All Rights Reserved



Toxicall 4.7 Productivity Reports. PAGEREF _Toc393199494 \h 1

085a Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Call Volume by Hour, New Calls and Follow-Up Notes (1) 3

Reports 086a – 086. 4

086a Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Call Volume by SPI Col% (1) 4

086b Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Call Volume by SPI Row% (1) 4

086c Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Call Volume by SPI Col% -HCF vs. Non-HCF(1) 5

086d Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Call Volume by SPI Row% -HCF vs. Non-HCF(1) 6

Reports 087a - 087d. 6

087a Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Call Volume by Date Col % (1) 6

087b Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Call Volume by Date Row % (1) 7

087c Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Call Volume by Date Col % no FU (1) 8

087d Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Call Volume by Date Row % no FU (1) 9

Reports 110a – 110b. 10

110a Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Duplicate Charts 10

110b Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: Duplicate Charts without Multiple Flags 11

Reports 111a – 111c. 11

111a Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: SPI By Own/Other Follow-Up. 11

111b Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: SPI By Type of Follow-Up. 12

111c Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: SPI By HCF, Non-HCF Follow-Up. 13