111a Rpt AAPCC – Productivity: SPI By Own/Other Follow-Up

Report 111a displays SPI follow up information based on the historical notes field for a specific TOXICALL® chart one date at a time. The below report sample screen shots will walk through the report for one chart. Running the report against one particular chart returns five pages in this scenario.

The first page of the report shows “Date of Follow-Up” as “7/30/2003”. Next, the SPI name is “Sarah Ramsey” who has a count of two for the “Follow-Up On Own Calls” column and a count of zero for the “Follow-Up On Other Calls” column.

The first page of the report is stating that for this particular case on 7/30/2003, SPI “Sarah Ramsey” performed “two” follow-ups on this case and that these follow-ups are for her own call.

The second page is stating that on 7/31/2003, SPI “Mike Nolan” performed “two” follow-ups on the call. The two follow-ups are listed under the “Follow-Up On Other Calls” column because the chart was not created by him. The second page also shows that on 7/31/2003, SPI “Sarah Ramsey” performed three follow-ups on the case as seen under the “Follow-Up On Own Calls” column.

The report continues in the same fashion for the remaining dates and follow-ups recorded for the case.

NOTE: The “Hours Logged” column is blank in these examples. The CAS testing database does not contain the productivity tables that match the sample case date. However, the column in a normal production environment would display how long the SPI was logged into the system. The total hours logged is divided by number of follow-ups to calculate the “Total Follow-Ups Per Hours Logged” column.