V4.7.37 September 30, 2014 Revision History

      #458   Truncated Caller Address Issue Resolved

When an address is entered using a comma in the first address line (e.g. suite number, PO Box, etc.) the address line would be incorrectly truncated assuming the comma is to signify the line contains the city, state and zip code.

Address lines 1 and 2 will still be truncated at 30-characters which is the maximum allowed for these fields.

NOTE: toxiCALL® uses the last line found in the address field that contains a comma to identify the “City, State Zip” information.

§ Example of an invalid entry:

1232 N Elk Way, Apt #456 Seattle, WA 98112


      This address will format incorrectly as “1232 N Elk Way” will be seen as the city, and “Apt #456 Seatt” (30 characters maximum) will be seen as the state. Notice the entire address (aside from the county) has been typed into the address line one.

      To resolve this problem you should press ENTER to ensure the city, state and zip are entered on their own line.

§ Example of a valid entry:

1232 N Elk Way, Apt #456

Seattle, WA 98112


      This address will format properly as the “City, State” information has been entered into line two of the address using the enter key to move to line two. The city will be seen as “Seattle” and the state as “WA”.

      #828   Error 91 When Using Zip Code Lookup "Refresh" Option (Seek Mode)

Corrected the problem when performing a lookup in the zip code window which could cause toxiCALL® to crash.

      #884   Case Detail Report screen position does not save

When using the print preview for a case detail report, the report always displayed in the center of the screen. toxiCALL® will now remember the location and size that was previously used when the print preview window is closed.

      #892   Phone Number Entry with Extensions - dropping extensions

Corrected a problem introduced in v4.7.36 which would cause a phone extension to be dropped with the new phone formatting.

Phone number entry, including all formatting and extensions, is limited to a total of 20 characters.

      #895   AutoUpload Modal Message Box: Please correct your search criteria and try again. There appears to be a problem with the search criteria

AutoUpload would occasionally receive an error message box would cause the AutoUpload process to stop. This error will now be displayed in the log and allow the AutoUpload process to continue and try to recover from the error.

      #907   toxiTRACK® AutoUpload message “No Cases were scanned in”

When toxiTRACK® is receiving cases and a network problem is encountered, the process would be stopped requiring user interaction to clear the message box. This message is now ignored and toxiTRACK® will attempt to continue receiving cases.