V4.7.36 April 30, 2014 Revision History

      #110   Default "Keep Search Criteria" to YES

If a configuration setting has not been previously configured toxiCALL® will default to keeping the search criteria rather than performing a clear after saving a case and returning to the search window.

      #113   Quick Search Toolbar Save Issue

Corrected issue when removing Quick Search Toolbar items and performing save.

      #758   Zip Codes Prompt does not check release date

When releasing the zip codes and a workstation is configured to “Prompt” for release, the user will now see a message box asking if they would like to release the zip codes. This prompt also includes when they were released from the network database and the last install on their local workstation.

      #762   Add Online Help to the top level of the help menu

Provided an easier access to the toxiCALL® online help system from the Help menu within toxiCALL®.

      #765   Rename search engine function date() to SearchDate()

Added new search parameter options. See link

      #775   Allow toxiCALL® to run as multiple instances without command line parameter

When a second instance of toxiCALL® is started the user will now receive a prompt asking if they want to start an additional instance of toxiCALL®.

This prompt is not displayed if running for AutoUpload or Batch Queue. A second instance will be started automatically.

      #777   report 16b - Report not Grouping properly by SPI then detailing HCF information

      #780   toxiCALL® User Rights Management - Configuration Manager

Added new SPI List right to allow specialists to manage toxiCALL® system tables and other toxiCALL® configuration/setup options.

This new right will allow clients to have users manage toxiCALL® setup options without allowing them to make changes to the SPI List entries.

The SPI List can ONLY be managed by specialists with the Supervisor right.

      #788   Corrected issue when using the Graphing Module.

      #791   Batch Reporting will now default to NOT print the table of contents.

      #794   Corrected error when entering the center code in the SPI List

      #799   Insufficient User Permissions on "Userdic.tlx" and "Correct.tlx" files

User dictionary files are now provided with full user-rights in Windows 7 to allow users to add information to the dictionaries.

      #820   Loss of open notes while in “Work Local Only” mode and using Quick Saved status

When working in “Work Local Only” mode  a case saved with a status of Quick Saved would not save the entered notes. This issue has been corrected allowing the notes to save properly.

      #821   Default Search Criteria: Open Cases

When opening the search window toxiCALL® will automatically load default saved search criteria to only display open cases. This will help the load time significantly by not trying to resolve all cases on the network database.

The search window now has a new  icon which can be used to load the default criteria and refresh the search window by searching the network database.

The default search criteria can be changed for the entire center. See

The default search criteria can be changed for an individual specialist. See

The “Open Cases (Case List)” criteria has been updated to sort by the newest follow-up times first then by the newest start dates.

Additional saved search criteria has been added to allow limiting the amount of closed cases to view in addition to open cases.

A new search criteria “Open Cases with Due Follow-ups” has also been created to only show the follow-ups that are due, not future follow-ups. Many centers may wish to set this as your default criteria to help organize cases by the follow-ups which are currently due. This list is quickly refreshed by hitting the new  icon.

      #827   Work Local Only - System Location Not Available

Updated toxiCALL® to better handle when the file share (System Folder Location) is not available. This can occur during a network outage or when trying to use toxiCALL® offline.

Various performance improvements when the network database is not available.

      #832   RTF Notes Field Tab Order (UCF) has been corrected.

      #837   Right Click Context Menu No Longer Available in Search Window (Search #Criteria Fields)

The right-click menu is back and will allow you to right-click for the copy/paste, etc. menu options.

      #845   Export PDF Reports label change

The menu option was renamed from “Export Cases…” to “Export/Save As…” This should make the export of a report more intuitive.

      #846   Allow phone formatting with a +1 when 1 is added to the number

toxiCALL® will now format the phone number when entered with a preceding 1.

      #864   Show associated Display in the Search Criteria Lookup Window

When loading search criteria you can now see if the search criteria have been associated to a display.

Search criteria associated to a display will automatically load the display (e.g. “Case List Advanced”, Report 3, etc.)

Using the associated display works well with the Quick Search Toolbar when running recurring reports with pre-defined criteria.

      #867   SPIList - Allow clear of default search criteria.

You can now clear the assigned search criteria for a SPI allowing them to use the default search criteria configured for toxiCALL®.

      #868   Allow CenterCode(), CenterName(), WorkstationID(), WSLoginName() to be used as a parameter in the Search Criteria

You can now build and save search criteria that will reference the current Center Code, Center Name, etc. Previously you had to build separate criteria for each individual center.

Seefor more details.

      #875   Display status window while toxiCALL® is loading

When toxiCALL® is loading and the network database is not available users will now receive a status window which indicates the server and database name that is configured for the connection.

      Additional enhancements and improvements