V4.7.34 May 20, 2013 Revision History

      #622 Resolved issue to copy error logs to centralized network location

      #697 Added ability to see the next available number in the system tables for SPI List, Free Areas, and Health Care Facilities

      #711 Updated report 2 to properly handle Confirmed Non-Exposure cases when no Exposure cases are found in the search criteria

      #715 Resolved issue which caused centralized folders to be created in the wrong location

      #717 Resolved issue pointing to the old ToxiSys.mdb file which is no longer used

      #724 Resolved issue to properly license TOXICALL® Convert Notes and TOXICALL® Data Analysis

      #728 Updated the TOXICALL® About screen with new team pictures.

      #730 Updated message to user when the TOXICALL® Network Location is not configured properly during installation

      #731 Resolved issue with single apostrophe when searching in the Recent Cases window

      #732 Resolved issue with single apostrophe when searching in the Search Window using the direct entry and not the Advanced Query Builder

      #732 Updated Search Window direct entry to automatically perform a “Like” search to find the entered text anywhere within the field being searched. This will be helpful for searches on substances description/verbatim and name fields.

      #740 Resolved issue with Advanced Query Builder when building extremely long search criteria

      #741 Added a more user-friendly error message to the Search window when the search criteria is invalid

      #742 Updated Help menu links to latest TOXICALL® web site links

      #742 Updated Help menu to allow access to latest CAS documentation when a network connection is not available

      #735 Resolved issue when releasing the configuration table with NULL values

      #647 Allow Call Recording to be enabled on a per-workstation basis

      #661 Corrected issue when resolving null values using the Custom Display Builder

      #690 Resolve issue with Batch Report failing to run and export a custom display

      #691 Corrected issue when a double-quote is entered into a UCF text entry field

      #692 Resolved anomalies with the FastCopy cases functionality

      #693 Removed the Supervisor requirement to export case data. Now non-supervisors have access to the export cases menu option

      #700 Updated System tables to show next available number for SPIList, FreeAreas, and HCF

      #701 Removed the blank row displayed when entering lab values

      #704 Updated the lab module correcting lab value save under unique conditions