v4.7.07 Aug 30, 2011 Revision History

TOXICALL® New Features

      New License Model

License is applied to the database

Individual workstations are no longer licensed

New workstations automatically acquire their license from the database

License Expiration Notification can be set to notify Supervisors only

      Recent Cases Window

Provides a quick search window to find cases

Easily searches caller and patient phone number simultaneously

Easily searches first and last name of both caller and patient

Search for the first substance on a case

Can pop-up automatically using Call Recording Integration populating phone number and Caller ID information if available

Automatically searches for cases based on Caller ID

Easily create a new case with the Caller phone number populated from Caller ID

      Ability to send case information to Higher Ground's Call Recorder (configurable)

The following information from a case can be sent to the Call Recorder and appear in Instant Retrieval:

§ SPI Name, Case Number, Call Type, Management Site, and Medical Outcome

      Click-to-Dial (for clients with Cisco Agent Desktop)

Allows Dialing Caller, Patient and Primary Medical Doctor (PMD) Phone numbers

Allows Dialing any number from within Open, QA, and Historical Notes

Note: Only specific versions of Cisco Agent Desktop support Click-to-Dial

      Quick Search Icons

Allows switching between search criteria quickly

Quick Search Icons can be grouped (i.e. SPI Group, QA Group, RADARs Group)

Quick Search Icons can be marked as Read Only by Supervisors to prevent accidental changes

      Micromedex® 2.0 Integration

Special Note: Due to configuration and security concerns Micromedex® 2.0 Integration is not currently recommended or supported by Computer Automation Systems, Inc. (CAS)

Micromedex® is currently exploring alternative methods to remove the configuration and security concerns

The 3 dot button for Substance now displays a new form to allow the SPI to switch their Micromedex® Source
Pressing enter within the verbatim field will immediately search Micromedex® bypassing the new search options


TOXICALL® Enhancements

      New Calendar

No longer affected by Microsoft Office Updates

      Easily Assign SPIs to cases directly in the search window

New right click menu to allow assigning a case to a SPI

Multiple cases can be assigned to a single SPI at one time

      New configurable options for Quick and Save Close

Change if data updated – Status of the case will change to Quick Saved if any updates to the case were made (Default Action)

Always change status – Status of the case will change to Quick Saved

Prompt change status – If no updates to the case were made, SPI will be prompted to change the status to Quick Saved

      Flex seating for Higher Ground Call Recorders

SPIs can login with their Agent ID at any workstation

Call Recording Integration will send data to based on their Agent ID instead of the workstation name

      Call Manager for Higher Ground Call Recorders

New options for Caller Name and Start Date

New options for Species and Animal Type

Ability to display Initial and Current SPI

Ability to display CID, DTMF, Direction, and Duration Data if available

Non-associated Calls now indicate if they have been marked as Unrelated

Date Range Options for Non-associated Calls

Abbreviated case status show two characters for easier identification

      Case Unlocking

Permission no longer part of supervisor permission

Case unlock permission must be assigned separately

Case unlock permission is defaulted to False for all users and must be assigned

Warning messages when unlocking a case update to be more specific and noticeable

      Zip Code Validation

Zip Codes assigned to multiple states will now correctly validate

The following state codes are no longer validated for numeric only zip code entries:

CN (Canada), FC (Other foreign country),

UM (Overseas US military/diplomatic), and TR (Other US Territory)

      Multiple Email Accounts

Multiple Email Accounts can be setup in Toxicall®

Emailing Functions can all be assigned to different email accounts

Email configuration can now accept many additional parameters such as port assignment

Email configuration supports pop3, smtp, and imap protocols

      Health Care Facilities

User Table Entry screen now shows the HCF Number Range

New and Existing entries will highlight the HCF Number Range for easy identification

      Generic Codes

Generic Codes have been updated with all changes provided to CAS by 8/30/2011

Generic Category Numbers for Non-Pharmaceuticals have all changed to 5000+

Note: Saved searches which use the Generic Code Major category must be re-created to utilize the new category numbers


Additional minor enhancements and bug corrections

      Invalid Search Criteria will no longer cause the Network Database to become unavailable

      Health Care Facilities (HCF) window will no longer display inactive HCFs

      Toxicall® INI file was moved into the Toxicall® Application Directory

      "Link Files" and "Labs" buttons will no longer grow in size and cover other fields

      License Information Window is now available to all users, not just supervisors

      Autologin can be cancelled by pressing the Control + Home keys

      Spell Check: Mis-spelled words that are ignored will only be ignored until the case is saved

      Application Version, SPI Name, Workstation Name, Center Name, Bypass Local Indicator are displayed on the Menu Bar

      Increased the space between New Case and each of the Close icons to reduce accidental clicking

      Keyboard short cut to Substance Verbatim field is now control+b

      Case Validation window can now be closed with the ESC key

      Formatted the date/time entries in the Autorun logs to allow for easier exporting/debugging

      Corrected an Issue with Autoupload file names when a non-default local Date Format was used

* Note: The Toxicall® Browser window, when viewing web pages from the help menu, will no longer work with IE Version 7 or later, alternatives are being explored for future versions