v4.5.0 April 21, 2003 Revision History

TOXICALL® New Features

      Linked file support

Link scanned, PDF, or other information files such as EKGs to your Toxicall® case.

      Collect e-mail addresses for callers and patients

      FIFRA case information

Capture FIFRA case information and generate EPA aggregate and individual reports.

      New internal tracking for Productivity reporting

      New Reports

10 new penetrance reports

12 new productivity reports

      User Configurable Requirements

Develop complex rules to require case information based on other case information specified, or not entered.

Require gathering of additional user configurable fields.

Requirements can include value ranges for inclusion or exclusion.

      User Configurable Fields

Create additional data elements to be captured as part of a TOXICALL® case.

Using these new data elements (database columns/fields) generate screen information that will become part of the Toxicall® case. These screen elements can then be added based on requirements (UCRs) that are defined within Toxicall®.

This functionality will be ideal for capturing case study information or additional fields specific to your center.

Future versions will allow:

§ Exporting your UCR/UCF information for use in other TOXICALL® centers.

§ Creating your database structure directly within TOXICALL®.

      Industry Case Module (optional TOXICALL® addition)

Capture industry client specific information.

Maintain a list of clients and client products within TOXICALL®.

Identify and track active ingredient information for products.

      User Documentation

We are completely re-writing the TOXICALL® documentation and implementing it as new help files. Much of this updated documentation is available with the new version of TOXICALL® and we will continue to update it in the future. Watch for new additions to the documentation in coming weeks.

TOXICALL® Enhancements

      AutoUpload Manager

Introduced in vv4.4.32, allows data to be submitted to multiple locations via e-mail or FTP.

      Batch Reporting

Enhancements have been made to batch reporting as well as additional documentation to walk you through the process.

      Simplified data structure updates

A single check can now be performed on each database to ensure the latest database structure has been applied.

Database structures are automatically updated when installing the new version of Toxicall®. NOTE: This feature cannot be used if you are running Replication on SQL Server.

      MICROMEDEX® standalone functionality

TOXICALL® now supports both the local and network installs of POISINDEX® simultaneously. This will provide seamless access to the local version in the event the network is not available.

      Jet 4.0 (Access 2000) database driver support

You can now use the Jet 4.0 drivers with TOXICALL®. This was previously disabled due to speed limitations on workstations. We found faster workstations now minimize the delay and can be used adequately on 1GHz or faster workstations.

      QuickCase mode modification

Access to QuickCase mode now requires a click making accidentally entering QuickCase mode.

      Case List display now displays multiple substances.

      The calculator has been fixed to function properly. This will be further enhanced in a future release of TOXICALL®.

      Other minor fixes and enhancements.