v4.3.0 (Release Version) Nov 6, 2000 Revision History

      Data migration is NOT required when upgrading to this version from version v4.2.x

      If you are running SQL server, special steps must be taken when performing installing this version, please contact our technical support for more information

Case Entry

      New: TOXICALL® Case Window

      New: Entire case can be reviewed from single window.

      New: Review routes, clinical effects, therapies and scenarios at a glance.

      New: Quick pop-up windows for routes, clinical effects, therapies, scenarios and name/address information.

      New: Change the field where the cursor will start when a TOXICALL® case window is initially opened. (i.e. Caller Name, Caller Phone, Notes, Call Type, etc.)

      New: Change the height of the Clinical effects, Therapies and Scenario information boxes.

      New: Change the field labels on the data entry window. (i.e. rename the free area fields on the screen)

      New: Required fields now display in the required field color until the information has been provided. Dynamically displays the information required by TESS as well as the user defined required fields.

      New: Required field color can be configured by each SPI for the current TOXICALL® session.

      New: Cases can be atomically quick saved based on a configurable auto save time interval.

      New: Cases automatically quick save after a zip/phone lookup and before a POISINDEX® lookup.

      New: Many data entry fields have been combined into single fields requiring less clicking and moving around while capturing case information.

      New: Quick entry on fields requiring units. (i.e. for an age of "12 Year" you can now enter "12y" without a need to separately select the "years" units)

      Maximum number of open case windows is limited to 10 cases.

      New: Create templates that are automatically applied to the case based on the call type selection.

      New: Populate case information from an existing case by entering the case number in the index case number field.

      New: Create a case number without sending the case to the network.

      New: Establish substance information as user defined required fields.

      New: Zip code or area code exchange information (depending on configuration) is validated against your caller location table. Validation fails if a conflict is found.

Search Window

      New: Option to append search criteria by loading multiple instances of saved search criteria.

      New: Option to save the layout of the case list information. Allows you to re-order or hide the columns in the search window then save the display.


      New: Export reports directly to Microsoft Excel format.

      Updated: Many reports have been updated or enhanced.

      New: Case detail report that does not include the patient sensitive information.


      New: Browser window:

New: Access the AAPCC web site including the TOXICALL® discussion group.

§ TOXICALL® Discussion Group

§ AAPCC Links of interest

§ Member List

§ Electronic Continuing Education

§ Poison Center Search by Zip Code

§ New and Important Recalls

§ The Poison Line

§ Center Certification

§ Tricky Coding Questions

New: Access the TOXICALL® web site.

§ Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Home Page

§ Revision Information

§ TOXICALL® Download Page

§ Send Workstation Error Log

§ Send Workstation Case Log

§ Send Network Shutdown Log

§ Send Network License Information

      Updated: Primary Center code list to meet AAPCC requirements.

      New: Option to easily compact the network database from the configuration window.

      New: Spell check with medical dictionary. Includes spell as you type functionality.

      New: Option to work on local database only. Best used when performing maintenance on the network database.

Database Drivers

      The ADO 2.5 drivers are available on the download page. These drivers are required for TOXICALL® v4.3.x. If you are running Windows 2000 you will not need to install the ADO 2.5 drivers

      The ADO 2.0 drivers are still required

Outstanding Issues

      After upgrading is may be necessary to manually release the CodeValue system table. Please contact our office if you need assistance with how to release this table.

      The spell checker does not support words over 64 characters in length. This will cause a crash in TOXICALL®.

      When using the auto save function, right-clicking on the open notes window to access the spell checker functions will cause a crash. This problem is infrequent and is caused by a timing issue.

      The outstanding issues shown below for version v4.2.4 appear to be resolved. If you experience problems please contact our technical support.