v4.2.2 (Release Version)

Case Entry

      Quicker Tab switching: Switching between tabs can be made faster when navigating a case, however, a slower case load time will be experienced. Beta users provide mixed feedback with this option. Configuration More: set Pre-load Tabs and Keep Tabs in Memory to Yes.

      Generic code lookup: within TOXICALL® and have it immediately propagated into your case. No more cutting and pasting. Enter the verbatim first, then click the lookup button next to the generic code entry field on tab 2. Select the generic code either by double-clicking on a category OR by typing any portion of the generic name in the search line. Short-cut: You can type part of the generic name in the Generic code field then press enter, this will show the generic lookup window with the generic codes found by the search.

      Set the Case Start Date: Ability to re-set case start time from tab 1, so you can open a new case window and have it ready for your next call without waiting for the case to load while you are handling the case.

      POISINDEX® List: Found on Tab 2, upper right corner. Every POISINDEX® look up from Tab 2 during a single TOXICALL® session will create an entry in this section. When another case is taken for the same substance, type your verbatim then double click the substance in the POISINDEX® List. All information is entered into the substance field automatically. No POISINDEX® lookup is required if not needed.

      POISINDEX® lookup: Updated the lookup to support "%" in the verbatim.

      Quicker access to Lookup windows: Accessing the lookup windows on; Tab1 for the city, zip code, phone number and Call Site Code, Tab 4 Initial and Final HCF. You may now press enter when in one of these fields to access the lookup window.

      Initial HCF Quick-fill: When in Tab 4 you can automatically populate the HCF from Tab 1 if the caller site is the same as the initial HCF. Will only appear if HCF is selected in TAB 1.

      Case Notes: When case notes are displayed in the closed notes section they are displayed chronologically from date created.

      Follow-up Number: Changed to update the follow-up number only if case notes are created. If a case is opened and closed with no notes, the save is not counted as a follow-up.

Case Validation

      Generic Codes: Now are validated and cannot be typed manually. Must be selected from the new Generic Codes lookup window.

      TESS 2000 for Case Validation: Upgraded to include items overlooked in earlier versions. Now all TESS requirements are validated with the exception of the POISINDEX® code.

      Validate Multiple Cases: Validate a list of cases and create a case validation report. PLEASE use this feature before submitting cases to TESS. From the search window select File->Scan in/out cases then select the Validate Cases option.

      Use the Case Validation List in the search window to locate and correct all cases that did not pass the case validation. Must be given a view level from the View and Reports System Table.

      When running validation, you may find you have lots of validation errors. However, most of these will involve Substance Quantity and Substance Certainty for cases created prior to February 1, 2000. You can ignore these Quantity and Certainty errors for all cases created prior to February 1 as these cases will still load into TESS.

      We recommend you check validation on your cases before submission to TESS because some TESS requirements were overlooked in earlier versions of TOXICALL®.

Search Window

      Advanced sort criteria: - now you can sort up to five fields at the same time A to Z or Z to A in case list and case list advanced. Advanced Sort Criteria is saved with the search criteria when creating user defined searches. Search Menu item->Advanced Sort

      Case count button: Click this button and it will count all cases shown. Helpful when running searches to determine number of cases meeting search criteria.

      New Case Validation View and Report: See Reporting section below for more details


      All reports have been updated or enhanced.

      Report Options Window: Allows you to select or restrict information printed on reports.

      Report Title: Ability to set a title for each report.

      Case Detail Report: Significantly enhanced the way the substances are printed.

      Case Validation Report: Similar to the case validation report returned from TESS when TESS rejects case based on validation errors.

      Report 62 - Quality Report: can be generated before submitting cases to TESS. Your TESS quality factor will be better than your TOXICALL® quality factor as the substance quantity and certainty fields are not evaluated in TESS prior to February 1.

      Substance Quantity may show as missing in the Quality and Validation reports but won’t be rejected by TESS for cases created prior to February 1, 2000.


      Limit Number of Open Case Windows: Set the Max number of windows that may be open at one time. This will help you avoid out of memory crashes when users open multiple cases simultaneously. The default is 5 cases. Set through the configuration More Window. If you have set the preload tabs option, set this at 2 for Windows98/95 workstations (some configurations may allow a higher number).

      Auto Upgrade: - when configured TOXICALL® will automatically start the install routine at that workstation if a new version is present. The new version must be installed on one workstation, then all other workstations will upgrade automatically. Contact Technical Support for more information

      Updated the Scan-In/Out routine: Updated for latest TESS 2000 changes including scan-out filename requirements. Also includes a validate cases option before submitting cases to TESS.

      Local Database Compact: The local database is automatically compacted every 3 days to ensure it is maintained for optimal performance. This eliminates the need for manual maintenance on this database.

      Miscellaneous reported errors are now resolved.

Database Drivers

      The ADO 2.5 drivers are available on the download page. We recommend you install these drivers at each workstation running TOXICALL® to ensure the latest database connectivity is used.

Outstanding Issues

      Crash Problems: Our beta sites report the number of crashes is lower but still exist. Here is what we know:

On Tab 2, when saving (or automatically saving) substance information.

From the Search window when changing displays or loading pre-defined searched.

These problems are intermittent and are not consistently reproducible.

Please note that we are still working to resolve these issues and will let you know when more information is available. At this time we do not have a known workaround.