TDA Definitions

Base Search Criteria: Criteria used to filter the cases returned and used in reporting. For example, the base search criteria would be used to isolate “Closed Human Exposure” cases when generating reports.

Data Fields: Specific pieces of data such as “Start Date”, “Medical Outcome”, and “Caller County”.

Geo-Location Mapping: A visual “map” style report that displays case occurrences geographically based on the caller or patient zip code information.

Graph View: Graphical representation of data such as bar charts, pie charts, etc.

Grid View: Excel style grid view that supports column organization, grouping, filtering, and exporting.

Filter: Filters are used to hide or display certain data elements on the fly. For example, a filter can be applied to a grid view to only display certain caller counties without the need to update the query used to generate the report.

Pivot View: The pivot view supports viewing data in an organized pivot table “break down” fashion such as case counts broken down by county and medical outcome.

Query: A Query defines the data fields or “columns” to be included in the report. For example, a query may define only the “Start Date”, “Medical Outcome”, “Substance Description”, and “Therapies” are returned from the database.

Query Conditions: Embedded search criteria that is always included within a query, regardless of the base search criteria defined. Query conditions would be used, for example, if you wanted to ensure only certain medical outcomes are returned from the database, no matter what other search criteria is used for the report.

Report Designer View: The report designer is used to create or modify custom built reports similar to those seen within toxiCALL® today.

Search Criteria: Search criteria are used to filter the cases included within a report.

TDA: toxiCALL® Data Analysis

View: Visual representation of data. For example, a “Graph” view can display data in a pie chart or bar chart style for presentations. Another example would be the “Grid” view which displays data in an Excel style fashion for easy sorting or grouping.