TCN v1.0.5 March 31st, 2013 Revision History

      Definition File Updates

TCN will now support updating the definition files through the TOXICALL® system table release process

Definition files are read through the TOXICALL® Network Database and will be maintained by the CAS support team

      Main Interface Changes

Corrected an issue where an error is produced if no "Definition Type" is selected when the conversion process is started

Databases with zero cases will be marked with a status of "Ready" automatically

Corrected an issue with large case numbers during database conversion

File refresh button has been added to the main screen

      Case Review Window Changes

Cases are now sorted by “Case Number” in the notes editing window

Added option to skip cases which do not contain notes when pressing the "Next" or "Previous" buttons

Added option to disable typing within the notes field. When typing is disabled the following new features are enabled:

§ Press X can be used to redact the highlighted text

§ Pressing the arrow keys and page up/page down keys will navigate to the next/previous case

Users will be prompted to close a database after pressing Next on the last case