Display the description name of all substances for the case. The substance verbatim will be returned preceded by ‘(v)-‘ if the description does not exist.
Optionally all or the first x number of substances.
Optionally display additional substance information based on the parameter options passed
Return Value:
Returns a text list of all miscellaneous scenarios.
CaseNumber, CenterCode, YearCode: Uniquely Identifies the case for which the information should be returned
Substance Delimiter: Characters to display for each separate value.
Item Delimiter: Characters to display for each sub-item of the substance.
Number of Substances:
0: returns all substances
Higher than 0 specifies the maximum number of substances you want returned.
Substance Data to include:
0: returns the description or the verbatim if the description is not present.
1: also includes the substance quantity
2: includes 1+ Formulation, Certainty, and concentration
3: includes 2+ Generic and Poisindex codes
(dbo.CASCO_Sub_NameList(ToxPat.CaseNumber, ToxPat.CenterCode, ToxPat.YearCode, Char(10), ', ', 0, 3)) As ‘Substance_List’