Scrubbing Note Information

1.   With a submission file loaded, select the case you would like to edit.

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Select the record you would like to edit.


2.   You can edit the case note information using the provided text field below the data grid. In this example the patient phone number will be redacted.

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Toggle check box to allow typing in notes.Rounded Rectangular Callout: Highlight the text you would like to redact.

3.   With the desired text highlighted, press “F5”, the “x” key, or the “Redact Selected Text” icon . Additionally, you can toggle the “Allow typing in notes” check box if you need to manually type additional notes or alter the existing notes data.

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Note the selected text has now been redacted.


4.   Once edits are complete for all cases you may close the file.