Running “AutoReceive” simultaneously with TOXITRACK® on the same workstation

In order to run TOXITRACK® on the same machine as the AutoReceive process the user will need to complete the following steps.

Please follow these steps to make the appropriate modification to the original TOXICALL® shortcut.

1.  Right click on the TOXICALL® shortcut and select “Properties”.

2.  In the “Target:” field make the appropriate changes so that the entire line reads as…

"C:\Program Files\CAS\Toxicall\Toxicall.exe" Multi=1

3.  Apply the changes and press OK to exit the shortcut properties window.

This change will allow the user to run TOXITRACK® simultaneously with the AutoReceive process.

To avoid these extra steps and procedures, we recommend that the AutoReceive process is ran independently on a separate workstation continuously while TOXITRACK® is used on other workstations as intended.