Preparing for the Upgrade / Cutover

Before the database upgrade, there are two options to consider in regards to center “down time”.

1.  Upload all case data, then take the toxiCALL® database(s) offline.

a.  The benefit to this method of cutover is that all up to date case data is preserved and backed up within the SQL Server database(s) during the cutover.

b.  The downside to this method is that while the network is offline, cases cannot be managed unless they were previously printed.

2.  Download any cases to be managed to the workstation(s) local database(s) to be managed while the network is offline.

a.  The benefit to this method is that cases can continue to be managed while the network is offline and can be uploaded once the network is back online.

b.  The downside to this method is that a backup of the SQL Server database(s) prior to the cutover may or may not contain all up to date case data.

Typically our customers have not experienced issues downloading cases to be managed prior to a cutover and then uploading those cases once the network is back online. However, if you plan to also upgrade your toxiCALL® installation or make other changes that may impact the ability to upload case data, we suggest leaving all case data on the SQL Server before the update.