Opening a File for Edits

To open a database file for edits, double click the file in the grid view or highlight the file and press the “Review File” button.

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Double click the file to open for edits or press the “Review File” button.


The “Case Editor” window will open displaying all cases contained in the database.

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Toggle to skip cases without notes.Rounded Rectangular Callout: Case does not contain notes.

You can select the case you would like to edit in several different ways:

      Arrow Keys (Up, Down, Left, and Right)

      Page Up and Page Down Keys

      “Alt+P” and “Alt+N” Hot Keys (Previous and Next)

      Previous and Next Buttons

Additionally, you can toggle the “Skip Empty Notes” check box to skip cases where no notes are present.