Non Associated Call Display Options

Workstation: (Workstation Name) –Select when you would only like to see non-associated calls from the current workstation.

Center Code: (Center Code Number) –Select when you would only like to see non-associated calls from the current center code displayed in the options window.

All Workstations and Center Codes (500 Max) –Select when you would like to see all non-associated calls from all workstations and center codes to a maximum of the first 500 that meet the search criteria.

Last 24 Hours – Select when you would like to see non associated calls from the last 24 hours.

Last 3 Days – Select when you would like to see non-associated calls from the last 3 days.

Last 7 Days – Select when you would like to see non-associated calls from the last 7 days.

Last 31 Days – Select when you would like to see non-associated calls from the last 31 days.

All Dates (500 Max) – Select when you would like to see all non-associated calls from all dates up to 500 results that first match the search criteria.