Moving the Network Share Location

When upgrading servers, or moving file share locations, it may be required to move the toxiCALL® network share location. The following sections will guide you through this process.

Identifying or configuring the current network share (System Folder) location:

Locate and take note of the path defined in the “System Folder” field.

If you are making configuration changes to the location path of the network share location, consider the following:

1.  When using mapped network drive configurations:

a.  Update the mapped network drive pointer as needed for the network share location within Windows®.

b.  As long as the mapped drive pointer remains the same no additional changes within toxiCALL® are required.

c.  If the mapped drive must be changed (e.g. “T:\” will change to “T:\toxicall\”), then use the UNC folder configuration information described below.

2.  When using UNC folder configurations:

a.  System Folder

i. Updating the system folder path will require a un-install and reinstall of toxiCALL®. Please ensure the installation package used is for the same version of toxiCALL® you are currently running.

ii.          toxiCALL® Downloads:


Identifying the current Linked Case Files location:

Identify the current storage location of your linked case files to ensure that if they are stored in the network share location, the configuration path to these files is also updated after the move is complete.

Note: The default storage location for linked case files within toxiCALL® is the “LinkedCaseFiles” folder within the network share location.

Locate and take note of the path defined in the “Path to Case Files” field.

Note: Path to Case Files is the current location where linked case files are stored and the configured path will need to be updated at each workstation after the move of the network share location.


When preparing to move the network share location, there are a few items to consider.

1.  It will be important to note that while you are moving the network share location, these locations or features may not be available.

2.  While the network share location is offline or being moved, SPIs may encounter miscellaneous errors in regards to the offline location and this is acceptable for a short period of time. However it is important to keep the “down time” to a minimum to reduce the occurrence of these errors and interruptions.

The Move Process:

The network share location move process defined below is the recommended move process.

1.  Create the new share folder and configure the necessary permissions (modify, read & execute, read, and write) to match the current network share folder location.

2.  Re-name the current network share folder to ensure toxiCALL® is unable to write any new information to the folder.

3.  Copy the contents of the current network share folder to the new network share folder location.

4.  Determining your network share folder configuration type:

a.  When using mapped network drive configurations:

i. Update the mapped network drive pointer as needed for the network share location within Windows®.

ii.          As long as the mapped drive pointer remains the same no additional changes within toxiCALL® are required.

iii.         If the mapped drive must be changed (e.g. “T:\” will change to “T:\toxicall\”), then use the UNC folder configuration information described below.

b.  When using UNC folder configurations:

i. Update the configuration for each workstation:

1.  System Folder

a.  Updating the system folder path will require a un-install and reinstall of toxiCALL®. Please ensure the installation package used is for the same version of toxiCALL® you are currently running.

b.  toxiCALL® Downloads:

2.  Path to Case Files

a.  Change the configuration if necessary.

5.  The network share folder move is complete.