
The Batch Queue process is a feature of TOXICALL® designed to aid users who wish to process any number of reports. This can be helpful when reporting on a few Case Detail reports or a full set of various reports that all use separate search criteria. The Batch Queue process allows users to set up any number of reports they wish to crate all with separate search criteria, delivery methods, and times to be processed. The Batch Queue process also supports using the Batch Queue Server that allows users to run these report sets automatically. This configuration is similar to the AutoUpload configuration and delivers the reports as E-mail, FTP, Save to a file, etc.

While the Batch Queue / Batch Server process may seem initially complex, we are confident once you run a few reports through the system you will see just how powerful and time saving the tool can be.

In an effort to simplify the learning process, we will be creating a batch report that will generate a “Case Detail Report” for any Carbon Monoxide cases found within the last 24 hours each morning at 6:00AM. Once the reports are generated, they will then be automatically delivered to the specified email inbox.