Increasing the Command Timeout

Depending on the number of cases you are moving / copying at one time, the process may timeout if a single data table takes longer than 30 seconds to process. In the event a time out occurs, you will need to increase the command timeout parameter within TOXICALL® to allow more time. The below steps will walk you through adjusting this parameter.

1.  Exit TOXICALL®

2.  Browse to the file location where TOXICALL® is installed. Typically the path is “C:\Program Files\CAS\Toxicall”.

3.  Locate and open the “Toxicall.ini” file for edits.

4.  Add a new line underneath the [Configuration] header and enter “CommandTimeout=0”.

NOTE: The number at the end of the “CommandTimeout=” line determines the number of seconds to allow before the process will time out and abort the process. Using a zero sets the time out to unlimited or in other words, the process will never time out and run as long as needed. If you have any questions about how long is an appropriate settings, please consult your database administrator (DBA) for more information.

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Command Timeout parameter added.

5.  Save the changes and exit the editor.

6.  You are now ready to run the fast copy process under the new timeout setting.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have completed archiving cases, we STRONGLY recommend removing the “CommandTimeout” parameter from the “Toxicall.ini” file. This will prevent the ability to have a command run without time out limits in normal day to day operations which may cause database or server level issues.