Generate a Report

The generate report screen allows the user to generate custom reports from existing case data. To generate a report:

1.   Specify the desired case numbers either by single cases or a range of case numbers

Examples of this would be: “300-325”, “425 to 427”, “318, 321”

2.   Input the desired year code

3.   Select the center where the desired cases are located

4.   Select the output format. TOXIWEB™ supports two different output formats, Adobe PDF and HyperText HTML.

NOTE: Adobe® Acrobat® must be installed on the machine to view reports in PDF format. For more information on Adobe® Acrobat® please visit

5.   Select the report style. TOXIWEB™ currently supports two different report display styles “Case Detail Report” and “Case Detail Report – No Patient Data”.

6.   Select the database where the desired cases reside.

7.   Press the “Show Report” button to generate the report(s).

Using the report options Users can also create a custom report header along with the ability to specify what additional information will be displayed on the generated report.