E-mail Content

Subject: The subject field is used to setup the desired subject line of the delivered E-mail message. An example might be “TOXICALL® Report: Case Detail Report” or “TOXICALL® Report: 003 Rpt AAPCC – Month By Call Type(1)”.

Message: The message field is used to setup the desired message of the E-mail message. An example may be “Important: Carbon Monoxide Case Detected on the Network Database. Case Detail Report(s) Attached”.

Attachment File Name: The attachment file name field is used to setup the desired name of the attached document of the delivered E-mail message. An example may be “Carbon_Monoxide_Case_Detail_Report” or “AAPCC_Report_83”.


Date: Determines if the date of the report will be prepended to the file name.

Time: Determines if the time of the report will be prepended to the file name.

Print header/footer in attachment: Determines if the report header and/or footer will be included in the output.

Zip attachment: The zip attachment field is used to setup the desired zip attachment name of the delivered E-mail message. The zip attachment is not required but available if you wish to place the document into a .zip file before sending. The zip attachment option also allows the user an added layer of security by allowing the use of a .zip password. See below for more information.

Use Password: The use password field is used to setup the desired ZIP file attachment’s password. The use password option will only become available when the user has specified they would like the document be placed into a ZIP file before sending (see above). Once a password has been defined in the field, be sure to distribute this password to the intended recipient to allow them access to the contents of the file upon receipt.

Encryption Level: The encryption level field is used to setup the desired level of encryption the ZIP file will receive. TOXICALL® offers both 128 Bit AES and 256 Bit AES encryption levels. If you are curious to learn more about encryption and the different levels offered, please click on the grey box to the left of this field in TOXICALL® to open an informational window.