Database Table Structure and Creation Scripts

After you have created the two necessary toxiCALL® databases (see the section of this documentation) you are now ready to create the database table structure using the necessary scripts.

The necessary scripts can be obtained using either of the below two methods:

1.  Contact CAS support directly to obtain copies of the proper scripts.

2.  If toxiCALL® is already installed on a workstation you have access to, the scripts can be found in the following directory:

a.  “C:\Program Files (x86)\CAS\Toxicall\Scripts\MSSQL Scripts”

i. “ScriptNewToxiNetSQL.sql”

ii.          “ScriptNewToxiUserSQL.sql”

The following table displays the database name and appropriate script to be executed against each database respectively.

Database Name

Script to Create Table Structure





The following image displays the “ScriptNewToxiNetSQL.sql” script file loaded within SQL Server Management Studio. Notice the database selected is “ToxiNet” to define which database the script will run against. Finally, press the “Execute” icon to run the script.

The next image shows SQL Server Management Studio after the script has completed execution.

Repeat the above steps to run the “ScriptNewToxiUserSQL.sql” script against the “ToxiNetUser” database.

After the appropriate scripts have been run, the database creation process is complete.