Contact List Maintenance

A primary use of the Batch Queue / Reporting feature if to have reports automatically E-mailed to contacts when generated. In order for TOXICALL® to properly send the E-mails generated, a contact list of recipients will need to be created first. If you have contacts already created within the system, the same interface is used to edit the existing entries.

1.  Log into TOXICALL® with supervisor rights.

2.  Select “Tools” > “Batch Reporting” > “Contact List Maintenance…” The “Contact Maintenance” window will appear.

Contact Maintenance Window

3.  Select “Add Contact” to add a new contact.

Add Contact Window

4.  Enter the contact information desired then press “OK” to save the contact.

Contact Information Populated

5.  The “Contact Maintenance” window now has a single contact.

6.  Press Close on the “Contact Maintenance” window.