Configuring TOXICALL® To Use an Alternate Playback Device

TOXICALL® can be configured to use an alternate playback device for listening to call recordings such as Windows Media Player and Higher Ground’s Instant Retrieval.

The following example shows how to configure TOXICALL® to use Higher Ground’s Instant Retrieval. Please note this configuration must be performed at each workstation.

Log into TOXICALL® with supervisor rights.

Click “Tools” > Configuration…” menu options to open the “Toxicall® Configuration” window.

Rounded Rectangular Callout: “More…” Configuration

Click on the “More…” button to open the “Toxicall® More configuration” window. Locate the “Alt. Playback Loc:” field.

Rounded Rectangular Callout: “Alt. Playback Loc:” field.

The “Alt. Playback Loc:” field will need to be populated with specific path and parameter information based on the device you wish to use.

The following is an example of a configuration set to open Higher Ground’s Instant Retrieval.

\\recorder\CLU\report.exe /ir:[%HGRID] /quit /user:"username" /pw:"password"

Note: The username and password must be configured on the Higher Ground call recorder. A single limited access account may be created and used by all workstations for listening to calls. Alternatively, each workstation can be configured with a separate account can be configured for each workstation based on your security and administrative needs. Please consult your Higher Ground documentation for additional information on account configuration.

Once you have the information populated into the “Alt. Playback Loc:” filed, press the “Save” button to save the changes.