AutoUpload Manager Settings

Once TOXITRACK® is started and logged into with supervisor rights, please follow these steps to complete the AutoReceive configuration.

1.   Click the TOOLS menu option and select the “AutoUpload Manager” option. If you are notified that the file “AutoUpload.ini” does not exist, press “Yes” to creating the file.

2.   In the “AutoUpload Section” field type in a unique name for the receive process. An example may look like “PCC-Receive”.

3.   Once you have a name typed in, press the “Create a New AutoUpload Configuration” icon to the right of the field.

4.   Using the “AutoUpload Mode” drop down menu, select the “Receive ToxiTrack® Encrypted File via Email” option.

5.   The “File Location” field is where you will specify the folder location you would like the data attachment from the E-mails to be placed. Use the 3-dot lookup button to open a file browsing window to select the path you desire.

6.   In the “From Centercode” field please specify the center code of the Poison Center that you are receiving files from. This number will need to be in a three digit format. An example would be “012”. If you are not sure what the poison center code is, please contact the poison center for that information.

7.   The “Zip Password” filed is where the password that will be needed to open the E-mail attachments from the poison center will be specified. When the poison center sends these .zip files they are password protected for security purposes. Please contact the poison center for this password if you are unsure of what to type into this field.

8.   The “Database Loc” dropdown field is where the user will specify where the case information after being processed will be placed. Typically the user will select “Network Database”.

9.   The “New Cases (sec)” field will specify the frequency that the receive process will check for new cases. Typically this setting is set at a value of 30.

10.  Next press the “AutoRun Setup” button to bring up the “AutoRun Sections Selector” window. Select the section that was just created from the “Available AutoRun Sections” list on the left and press the singe move arrow to move it to the “Selected AutoRun Sections” list. Press the “OK” button to save and close the window.

11.  Press the save button on the “AutoUpload Manager” window to save your changes.

12.  Exit “AutoUpload Manager” and TOXITRACK®.

13.  Please refer to “AutoReceive Shortcut Configuration” to set up the proper application shortcut parameters to start the AutoReceive process.